Curious where Max goes every day, the Demon Lord disguises himself as a voluptuous schoolgirl to follow him. He is disappointed all Max does is drink and play with some local children. When thugs start beating him and he does not fight back, the Demon Lord puts them to sleep. Grudgingly, he respects Max for controlling his temper. Zenia locates the Demon Lord at Max's apartment, having gotten worried he was gone for three days. She is baffled that the Demon Lord is trying to help Max. Deciding the best option is to kill Max, she attacks him but is defeated. Covered in sweat, she uses Max's shower while the Demon Lord goes shopping. A towel clad Zenia accidentally becomes drunk and attacks Max again, and the fight spills outside. Before they can really fight, Zenia is arrested for public nudity but Max is able to straighten things out with the police. Max is exasperated when, rather than going home, Zenia rents the next door apartment to be close to the Demon Lord. Meanwhile, Fred, one of Max's former party members, sees footage of Zenia's nude rampage and is suspicious of why Max knows a demon.